What are the different belief systems in my country and in my community?

In Bolivia there is a big problem with religion because of the gobernment leftist tendencies that do not support the religion which most of this country people follow which is Catholic Christianity. The main church in Bolivia is located in La Paz, its name is Church of Copacabana (see photograph on the right), this is a proof that most Bolivians do follow and take into huge considerarion this Catholism in their dairy life.

Evo morales, the president of Bolivia follows leftist tendencies and goes against several principles stated by the Catholic church. The Catholic church by not accepting Evo Morales leftist tendencies have gathered certain disconcent by this president follower's and the president himself, this problem has caused the gobernment to have absolutely no respect to this religion, the religion which almost 75% of the population follows making it the main belief-system for the country.

This conflict affects the citizens of Bolivia too, by creating personal problems within the people, specially between those who support Evo Morales and his no-repect towards the Catholic church or those who do not support Evo Morales and less his childish behaviour towards a religious entity which is followed by so many Bolivians.

Key (For pie chart on the left)

- [1] Catholic = 75%

- [2] Protestant = 19%

- [3] Agnostic = 4%

- [4] Other = 2%


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