What are some of the different belief systems held in different countries?
There are different belief-systems held in many countries throughout the world, a belief-system is usually strongest in its place of origin or in areas surrounding it. There are two main belief-systems that don't follow this patron because of it's huge amount of followers, this religions are: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism.
Religion is directly influenced by the cultural background of the people who support it, for example Christianity is supported by people who live their lifes under several ethnic, ethical and personal laws which include going to church, praying often and following the 10 commandments of God.
A country influences greatly on a person belief-system, this influence is very strong because it is fomented by family, friends, neighbours and even random people you may find in the street, at church or at work.

Digital map showing the different belief-systems and their location world-wide (Click to enlarge!).
Religion is directly influenced by the cultural background of the people who support it, for example Christianity is supported by people who live their lifes under several ethnic, ethical and personal laws which include going to church, praying often and following the 10 commandments of God.
A country influences greatly on a person belief-system, this influence is very strong because it is fomented by family, friends, neighbours and even random people you may find in the street, at church or at work.

Digital map showing the different belief-systems and their location world-wide (Click to enlarge!).
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