Why do people have different belief systems?

Every human being is unique and disctinct and has the right to choose their own belief systemm; because we are not the same we have different ways of aproaching our physical and spiritual life.

The world of today has a wide variety of belief systems , this religions are no longer mantained on the same region they where created but they have spread all along the world; people now have a large variety of belief-systems to choose from. Furthermore, families no longer obly their son(s) to continue their parent's or ancestor's religion but instead they enforce their kids to choose, wisely, the religion they want.

The most common uncertainty is between those who belief that when we die we have our 'Judgment day' where it is decided whether we go to heaven or hell based on our mortal life; the other belief has a more scientific focus, when we die our body decomposes and becomes fertiliser.


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